  • Ranked Gaming Client: 6.8.2 Release
  • Added new !localannounce command
  • Added Pre-Name Banners to identify Staff on the client
  • Added Emoji support to Channel Headers.
  • Added Emoji support to !announce and !localannounce.
  • Added more bugs to fix later

  • [02/5/2020]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 6.8.1 Release
  • Added a few more emojies
  • Fixed levelup calculations
  • Added automated checks for new shop items.

  • [28/4/2020]
  • test test ...Wow this still works
  • I guess i dont have to tell you this file hasn't been updated since forever.
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 6.8.0 Release
  • We've come a long long way since 4.8.3 was released , we've been posting the changes on facebook and completly forgot about this file
  • I'll try to sum the changes from version 6.7.X untill 6.8.0
  • Added Emojies Support.
  • Updated Ban System to reduce bypassers.
  • Added Map Downloader auto popup inside settings interface , you can now disable it from popping automatically
  • Completly re-written our level up system
  • Fixed welcome sound hanging while channels are loading
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to rename into bugged names
  • Moved patcher to Https
  • Added scrollback to description inside profile
  • Added RGID into the user profile
  • Fixed Connect problems on windows xp
  • Implemented Access checks for Colored Chat , Emojies access)
  • Fixed friendslist not displaying anynames for some users
  • Added more bugs to fix later

  • [19/03/2012]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.8.3 Release
  • I realize that this is the first posted changelogs for the 4.8.X series. So I will sum up everything that was introduced with 4.8.0
  • Completely rewritten the UI engine, made the design open source up to around 95%, from previously sitting at around 30%
  • Added Z-level support to the UI engine
  • Signed as well as hosted games now sit on the top of the LAN list, no matter what room you're in you will always see those priority games
  • Numerous crashbugs were fixed and a wide range of characters was disabled, as they were one of the crash reasons.
  • RGC runs more efficient now. For years now people had issues on low-end PCs, crashing frequently. I figured out what was causing those issues, and it runs smooth now even on older hardware.
  • Ads were tested with 4.8.0 and removed again with today's release. I was testing an external library to display the ads/websites, as I would like to eventually add browser support into the client. The library had way too many technical issues and was thus removed.
  • More to come ... I'm a very forgetful person and I need to check facebook announcements :>

  • [26/12/2012]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.7 Release (Merry Christmas)
  • I know it's been a while since the last changelog, this is the first patch where major new features are being introduced since March, the other patches were bug fixes.
  • Commands were completely redone, the / commands, not the ! commands - Your client now *understands* the commands, so when you mistype a command it will guide you in the best way possible. This also means that the client will contain a fully updated help library about all of its commands. You can simply use / to get a list of all available commands
  • Ignore List: Many people have been asking for this, we now have a fully functional ignorelist, that is configurable. So if you hold a position of responsibility, and need to help users, but you have people highlight you - then you can simply configure the ignorelist to only ignore highlights, that way you won't have to shut out people that might need help, but are annoying in their methods to get help.
  • Movable Tabs: Try to reorder your chat tabs on the top of the chat, simply using drag and drop, like you would in another application. This also reorders the chat list on the left side according to the way you reorder your tabs. Play around with it, it's fun! :-)
  • Easier Interaction: Most of the user lists (clan info, signed players) are now right-clickable like the users list in chatroom and private messages. That allows for an easier interaction in more places with other users
  • Autojoin: As most of you know, the autojoin for vouched rooms was removed about a month back. This was to make way for the new feature: You can now right-click on any chatroom and a "Autojoin" menu will pop up, where you can easily add or remove chatrooms. Like the ignore list, this information is stored locally.
  • Internet Cafes: You can now select Warcraft III, by selecting the game link on the PC desktop. RGC will now find the .exe automatically, before this wasn't possible, and people not playing from home would have that problem.
  • Localization: Korean - the client is now translated into Korean. If you find a translation issue, as always, please do report it. [ NOTE: It's not added for the 4.7.0 release, we'll patch it later on ]
  • Commands menu for admins: added timeban to the existing kick command
  • Christmas Icon for the application, this shouldn't be hard to miss

  • [05/03/2012]
  • Changed /whois to be global now, nomore private games
  • Added a new computer ban system to stop the people that have been bypassing the old system on a regular basis.
  • Some internal buddylist changes, some more to come, as I said internal stuff, not much to say here ^_^
  • Fixed a bug that would make your client set you as /away automatically when you login, this was a UI bug, and is fixed now.
  • The client also detects properly again when you were disconnected from the chatserver.

  • [25/10/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.6.1 Release
  • Fixed the Visual C++ Redistributable problems, a lot of people were unable to open microsoft.com, so I have included an automatic silent installer into the patcher.
  • A lot of various friendslist bugs have been fixed. There were visual problems, and problems with players not being removed properly from the friendslist. It works like a charm now.
  • [Suggestion by Hellspawn] Friendslist notifications are also displayed on all rooms nows, like announcements, instead of just the chat room that you are looking at when the message appears.
  • I have added more information gathering internally (not visible to users) about the state of their RGC client, I know now the patch version that every single client uses upon connect, this was not the case before, before I left it up to the client to detect when they are out of date, but the previous problems have shown that this method does not work reliably in many countries, so this will help us improve the user experience wherever needed. It will make it easier to detect and diagnose problems, in short :-)

  • [22/09/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.6 Release
  • This has got to be the biggest release I have ever done, the changelog is tremendously long, so please bear with me. I'll try to remember everything that I have improved and fixed.
  • Added an AntiCheat to RGC. You will now only see games if you run Warcraft III via the RGC button. So no playing without the AntiCheat.
  • Two crashbugs (UI & ingame) were fixed. They were the two only known crashbugs, and lately the ingame crasbug has been affecting a lot of people.
  • Completely Revamped UI & Skinning system. Outdates skins do not crash the client anymore, they will work forever, but they will look outdated eventually. All access to .ui files was removed, and missing functionality was moved to the .ini files.
  • There were many tabbing bugs, UI elements with a mixed-up tabbing order, all of those have been fixed.
  • You can now specify launch options, previously one could only decide whether WC3 should be launched in window mode or not, now you got full control, i.e. -opengl is now possible
  • The translation system was changed and the new patch will launch with a lot of new languages, also all UI elements were made translatable. Only some automatically generated messages are not yet translatable.
  • ... more to come
  • New RGC Patch - new UI, patcher, all crashbugs fixed, and many more goodies

  • [10/06/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.5.2 Release
  • Completely changed the way room announcements are edited in the admin panel. It's so much easier now, without changing the way it works.
  • Removed the one clan per player limitation because many people make mistakes with the tags, and due to the fact that clans become useless if the leader leaves. The clan system will be improved, but it's not a high priority.

  • [05/06/2011]
  • Extended the /f list display, by showing the games your friends are in.
  • Added #numbers to all sign-hosted games so that you can more easily find the game your friends are in.

  • [01/06/2011]
  • Fixed a bug where users with special characters in their name couldn't see their clan, noone could.
  • Fixed an encoding problem with the custom channel join list and the timestamp. Remove all your old entries from the join list and redo your custom timestamp, they will be saved properly now. You will join weird channelnames, just clean the list under settings. The weird channels are a side-effect of the encoding transition.
  • Removed the 'localhost' server from the Connect window. That's solely for testing purposes and I forgot to remove it in the last release.

  • [23/05/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.5.1 Release
  • [I decided to make the first minor release (.1) due to the major modifications on the previously introduced new chat system]
  • Chat System: Custom rooms now use the old system again. Kudos to Prcko for this suggestion.
  • Chat System: All rooms are back on the old system except for (Asia+Europe) Public, Brasil and Philippines.
  • Chat System: Added a /find command. Happy hunting!
  • Chat System: [Quick Fix] The default 10min inactivity timer was a little bugged and it could sometimes be less.
  • Bots: The code was a little buggy and it ignored the maximum games setting, resulting in server overloads in Singapore. Sorry for that.
  • Login UI: I disabled the disconnect/timeout messages again, due to it causing some weird occasional bugs. I will re-enable them once I've had time to reproduce and analyze the bugs.

  • [17/05/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.5 Release
  • Changes to the Chat System which mark the 4.5 Release can be found in greater detail here: http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?77492-Important-Changes&p=528940#post528940
  • Added the new RGC Logo, and made the logo unmodifiable now. It used to be customizable included in the Skinning API. The png file is still present in those skins, but it doesn't do anything anymore.
  • Drastically improved the Login screen. Removed the issue of the client getting stuck by not disabling the whole window. I also added a timeout of 10 seconds, after which the UI will become responsive again now.
  • The previous fix to the displayed clantages bugged certain usernames display in chat. They are both finally fixed now and username+clantags will be displayed properly in chat.

  • [05/05/2011]
  • Fixed a glitch in the highlight function that would allow you to do 'invisible' highlights. I also removed the bug that came with the last patch, that was making the privacy highlighting settings not work at all.
  • Fixed a glitch in the clantag display that wouldn't show the complete clantags for some players.
  • Before: If you tried to double-click a user that you already have a conversation open with nothing happened. Now: It will take you right to that conversation. It's the small things that matter. :-)
  • Made the client more fault tolerant towards stuck games. If a new game gets hosted on a port and IP occupied by another game, the old game gets removed automatically.

  • [12/04/2011]
  • Important change to the save/load functionality. It will now use different savegames everytime the !save command is used, so you are able to reload any of the savegames and not just the latest file. Big kudos to Holymaster at this point, for the idea of the very simplistic implementation.
  • Added an improvement to the highlight functionality, the highlight message will now stand out :-)
  • Made some minor performance improvements to RGC's custom UI system
  • Fixed a glitch with savegame rehosting, where players would be told that they have no savegame if the WC3 path was set to war3.exe instead of Frozen Throne.exe (RGC expected Frozen Throne.exe)
  • Fixed a display bug on the admin panel when it was first shown and not properly resized.
  • Added a preview to the announcements in the admin panel (really cool stuff :-)). I also removed the colors property from the announcements, those are now set via the normal color tags in the text.
  • Removed the 'Run in window mode' checkbox from preferences and added a general textbox so that people can run WC3 in opengl through RGC. The option for window mode is -window
  • *Hopefully* solved the problem that many Asians were encountering, not being able to close RGC or see games in LAN.

  • [31/03/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.4 Release
  • Patched all servers to the latest Warcraft III Patch: 1.26a
  • Fixed the crashbug that I introduced with the patch on 20/03. Well actually it wasn't my bug, other programs trying to connect to RGC caused this. I've changed the ports that RGC uses and restricted it to localhost only.
  • Small UI bug fix: The window didn't resize properly if using 2 monitors and the secondary display was bigger than the primary. Thanks to TINPL for finding and reporting the bug.
  • Small UI improvement: The list with started games, open games and signed players now share the same clicks, so you can only select one item on any of the three lists. I got annoyed when I saw you can select something on all three and it gets 'stuck' there.
  • Beta experience improvement: The game you sign for is now colored in the LAN screen, so that you may find it easier. Please note that this feature can possibly color the wrong game if many games are being hosted at once.
  • Upcoming: Green colored games that have your friends inside them. Possibly red colored games for an upcoming blacklist. I cannot guarantee this 100%, but it may be possible.
  • Added a timeout to open games and rehosted games, so that if noone joins them the game will unhost itself after a few minutes.
  • Exploit fix: !save is now only usable once per player per game. The exception are streamers/admins in the referee slot.

  • [23/03/2011]
  • Huge exploit fixing patch:
  • * with the save/load system, getting the game into endless pause. Thanks to Agustinho for reporting this.
  • * getting the bot stuck with !close/!comp by filling all slots and making the game unjoinable.
  • Fixed tons of WTV streaming bugs. It can stream 1.25+ games now (only 1.24 before), fixed some crashbugs in the WaaaghTV code and other things.
  • Added !mode command to set the mode for !host'd games

  • [20/03/2011]
  • RGC checks again if you're ingame or not when you try to close the application, the bug where it incorrectly detected that you're still ingame *should* be fixed.
  • It now removes all open games from your WC3 LAN screen when you exit RGC. It would previously just display the games until you'd rejoin the LAN screen.
  • I fixed a very strange crash bug, and a disconnect bug, which happens when some application on your computer tries to connect to a dota game through the rgc proxy, by mistake. Thanks to Sirian for noticing the crash bug, leading to the fix.

  • [16/03/2011]
  • Patched all servers to the latest Warcraft III Patch: 1.25b
  • *Finally* fixed the rare disconnect bug in the reconnect system. In rare cases, the reconnect ocurred without the server handling it properly, there was a 1 line code logic error in the hostbot.
  • Reload/Load commands for automatic rehosting of a savegame. I.e. for competitive matches (documentation not available yet)
  • There was a bug in the Servers window with the translation system, causing UI glitches. Thanks to Stodiamus for finding this.

  • [24/02/2011]
  • Another fix for the reconnection system. There are nomore known bugs, I've extensively tested the system. I didn't have time to test what happens when you disconnect during reconnect, but that would mean that your connection is really unstable to start with, but I will test it when I have time and update my entry here.
  • Discovered a huge bug. The RGC patcher doens't work for users that are behind a proxied network, i.e. some university networks. I will extensively test that and fix the issue.

  • [21/02/2011]
  • Huge Database Cleanup. I deleted many inactive channels.
  • Added unban records to the !banhistory command. Thanks to Whiskey- for noticing.
  • Added !mode as a lobby command for people with Team Captain+ (admin) access.
  • Added WaaaghTV support. Long story cut short: !wtvlogin user pass, !wtvorga organisationName, !wtvdelay X (X seconds), !wtv on - You need those 4 commands to make the stream work, again admin access level for the WTV commands.
  • Added -zm to the default mode for all automatically hosted games. Some user has been bugging me about this for ages, if that's you and you read this, message me so that I can put your name here.
  • Fixed a bug with the reconnection process.

  • [16/02/2011]
  • Fixed a lot of minor bugs with the client skinning system, and extended it a little, more below. Thanks to LeGoLaSss.
  • Added a .delete flag for the non-vital UI elements.
  • Fixed a very old bug with the patchserver, I finally found what caused the patcher to not work properly from time to time.

  • [06/02/2011]
  • Fixed a bug which would sometimes identify two different computers as the same one, and eventually apply bans on innocent people. The bans are still on, I haven't had time to fix the current records yet, but atleast no new computers are wrongly identified.
  • Made small server-side improvements and removed lag when executing admin commands.
  • All the server-side software has been moved to linux servers. As a result of this, the email sending doesn't work yet.
  • Fixed various outstanding bugs with the hostbots, before the Garena.ro DDoS attack you'd sometimes get 'stuck' bots in Brasil, due to the physical distance. In the last two days you could all see what it's like if that problem occurs all the time. I removed the likelihood of it happening to next to nothing before, but now I believe that I have completely eliminated the problem.

  • [05/02/2011]
  • Added Reconnect System - I've tested it in private and it's now being released, it shouldn't have any bugs, but you never know.
  • Show clan bug fixed - it would crash RGC or not display any members.
  • !latency bug fixed - it would disconnect every player in the game if the command was used. Apologies for that, it slipped through from the test version to the release

  • [27/01/2011]
  • Added a notification ingame when you disconnect from the game server. If you see the message you are out, there's no way back in. Not yet! If you just get the lagscreen, you're lagging.
  • I fixed the bug with the 'Show Clan' button, Yay!
  • Also fixed the bug where you couldnt see anymore games or close the client after failing to join a game in LAN.
  • Now to the sad news. I know that some of you are Linux users, running RGC in a VM. Unfortunately there seem to be many internet cafe users that are using the Broadcast to LAN option. I am getting a lot of reports about disconnects, bugged clients, etc... The bottom line is that I had to remove the broadcast to LAN for now. My apologies, I know that RGC isn't 100% stable with Wine, but there's no other choice now. The option is still displayed in the Preferences window, I will remove that in a few days.
  • Fixed a long-term standing visual issue in the Servers window, it now displays x/12 users properly.

  • [25/01/2011]
  • I also rewrote the custom skin code a little, it will now show an error message before crashing, saying that there was a problem with the skin. In the future I will make it automatically change to the default skin if such an error is detected.
  • Added a 'Show Clan' entry in the menu, but it is buggy at the moment. I found the bug and I will fix it later.
  • Made the client user interface up to 90% translatable now. Some server messages are not yet, the only part that is left to be converted is the Preferences window.

  • [23/01/2011]
  • Added /clear chat command.

  • [21/01/2011]
  • I know the last few days have been very messy. I believe that I have now finally fixed all the weird disconnect bugs.
  • Also added a Highlight button to the right-click menu, so that you can easier nudge your afk friends.
  • Due to popular request, I also made the RGC observer kickable with either the !open or !close command, for league usage.

  • [14/01/2011]
  • Fixed an ingame client crash bug which was introduced with the patch yesterday.
  • I also made some more performance increases, they're probably so small that you won't even notice, maybe 1-2ms, but they're there :-)

  • [13/01/2011]
  • Fixed a lot of old code which was vulnerable to DDoS attacks. I've made the code more robust and I removed some critical parts which could cause the server to crash if under attack.
  • Added a Warcraft III version checker code. You should always launch WC3 through the button on RGC. It checks and makes sure that you are using the correct version.
  • Added some optimizations to the WC3 network code. It should fix lag issues that some players are experiencing.
  • Fixed a *possibly* rare bug with the group system crashing the chatserver.
  • I made a mistake in the last patch, I forgot one line of code. Now the friendslist message coloring is actually fixed :-)
  • Removed the ?? latency entry until the automatic latency feature is re-introduced. It worked, but it wasn't the best piece of code. It caused problems on some computers.

  • [06/01/2011]
  • Ingame: RGC - Bot Referee added to announce messages.
  • Removed desync detection.
  • Possible !votermk exploit fixed - more details of this after the patch goes live. -Thanks to GodXNero for reporting the exploit
  • Fixed the coloring bug for friendslist messages and some other messages using that color.
  • Fixed the background of the Account window in the default skin and added new icons on all of the skins.

  • [04/01/2011]
  • Ranked Gaming Client: 4.3 Release
  • More control over highlight. You can add different names under which you should be highlighted and you can control who can highlight you under what circumstances.
  • Account renaming, Password & Email change are now possible. I've added a completely new tab just for account management.
  • Skinning Extension: I added more color customization. Default chat user and chat message colors are now editable in the 'colors.ini' file. I also added a color for the Games display. This will allow you to make a darker skin and set those colors to a brighter color.

  • [26/12/2010]
  • The !votermk command has been changed. If someone leaves before firstblood it will require (5 - leavers) votes to remake a game. If there is a leaver after firstblood, it will require (remaining players - 2) votes to cancel the game.

  • [23/12/2010]
  • You will now always be able to login. If you forgot to logout somewhere, your old logged-in RGC instance will be disconnected immediately by the server when you login from somewhere else.

  • [02/12/2010]
  • Server Update: You now get a 'Welcome' email when registering. It contains your username and password.

  • [20/11/2010]
  • Client Release: v4.2. Now finally with sound!! You get a proper sound notification when someone highlights you. This has been a feature for a while, but it didn't work on many computers. Now it works everywhere.
  • A few more sounds and a new entry in settings to configure their usage properly will be added in the coming patches for 4.2.
  • Fixed most of the problems which were introduced with the new html spacing in the chat. You can now copy usernames properly again outside of RGC.
  • Skinning API: Added transparent areas to the skinning API. You can now define the transparent areas for your skin. More infos about it can be found in the /skin/windowmanager/config.ini.

  • [18/11/2010]
  • Major hostbot performance improvements. You should notice less delay ingame if you ever had any. This only applies if you are playing on a local server, I cannot fix geographical distances between America, Asia and Europe.
  • Added the !comp command. So you can arrange 1v1 games with the proper gold amount.
  • Removed -cmub from the game modes. All -cm hosted games are purely cm now. If you want to play banned heroes, sign for -ap.

  • [10/11/2010]
  • Removed the admin command: !setaccess. I also removed global account ranks from the local channel rank promotion list. The list is now also displayed in descending order.
  • Fixed a bug where already finished games would come back to life on a server restart. I generally fixed a lot of display bugs introduced by the last server-side patch.
  • Changed !ping to only display the ping of the user that typed the command. Added !pingall to get a detailed view of everyone's ping. The display of pings was changed aswell.

  • [06/11/2010]
  • Fixed the ingame stats system. A map bug would prevent the map from sending dota ingame stats in some cases. This has been resolved, credit goes to the www.playdota.eu guys.
  • Extended the Skinning API a little bit, for more options to customize window titlebars. Credits to LeGoLaSSS for finding the lack of configurability here, and his constant feedback of course.
  • Removed the ingame !kick command from the admin commands
  • Removed the lobby !rankall, which was replaced by !points anyway, it was just a matter of time until I would remove it.
  • Fixed a bug with copy paste that was introduced with the last patch character spacing fix.
  • The same bug disabled the click focus, when you clicked a username in the chat it would not select the user in the userlist any longer. This was also fixed.
  • Added ingame !ping. So if you experience lag ingame, you can use the !ping command.

  • [02/11/2010]
  • Fixed a bug with !ff. If 4/5 FF'd the game and the last player who didn't FF would leave the game, the game would become bugged with the team not being able to forfeit.
  • Fixed the double display of the gameid on the client when clicking on an open game.
  • Dis-allowed the account creation if the name contained a whitespace unicode character. Unfortunately some people were abusing the freedom granted on RGC when it comes to choosing your name. I hope that I won't have to put more restictions on usernames because I have always hated those restrictions myself.
  • Changed the message coloring for the game started and game ended messages and added gameids.
  • Enabled character spacing. So when you do multiple white spaces, it will count them. Up until now it just compressed them all into one whitespace. Now they matter.

  • [01/11/2010]
  • Added the GameID to the ingame messages sent by the bot. So that it is easier for admins and players to categorize replays.
  • Fixed a bug with the autobalance. Credit goes to [fR]-MaNgA-, and the channel Belem, for discovering this bug.

  • [28/10/2010]
  • Added a login system to the admincenter. Now only people with the proper access can access the admincenter website.
  • Fixed a bug with !compban and !compunban which was introduced with the last patch.

  • [18/10/2010]
  • Huge 3h maintenance time is over! The database has moved to a new dedicated server, to facilitate for the new players that are running down the house :-)
  • Added support for .jpg avatars. Currently supported: .png, .jpg (Contact me if you think RGC should support more avatar image types)
  • Added channel points in the !points display. It used to display your global RGC points, this can still be shown in certain channels. The local/global stats setting will be available in the ACP in the future for channel head admins.
  • The bots now fully support autobalance. Autobalance currently has two modes: none or full. In the future there can be channels where the bots only autobalance the captains for example, putting the strongest 2 players on the captain slots.
  • Fixed a chatserver bug where it would display double the amount of players when you double-clicked a game that was created before you logged in. This way only a display issue :P
  • Ever since I created the RGC namespoof mechanism, I knew that it was potentially vulnerable to an exploit. Funnily enough, on the same day that it was getting patched, a user discovered this. The exploit has been fully removed and no namespoofing is possible on RGC inside Warcraft III.
  • When you first start RGC on a computer it would show a #UNDEFINED error. This bug creeped in over half a year ago. I finally managed to pin down the line of code that created this little error message. This is one very old bug resolved.
  • All in all it has been a very productive week and lots of bug fixing and cool new features. Enjoy guys.

  • [12/10/2010]
  • Fixed a bug where you could still create accounts containing |C, |R or |N written in caps.
  • Fixed the #UNKNOWN message display. It now tells you correctly that your friend joined a private game.
  • Fixed the !wim bug in hostbots. The changes will be showing once I manage to patch all servers, which will take a few days.

  • [06/10/2010]
  • Nicknames and ingame chat is now fully UTF8 supported. There were some bugs on the server-side with keeping a correct log of games played in certains cases. This has all been fixed now.
  • There were also major improvements on the admin panels according to UTF8 update.
  • Altough it is advised, you don't need the same WC3 name anymore to enter your games via LAN. RGC will do it all automatically for you.

  • [04/10/2010]
  • Note: I didn't add the changes from 4.0 to 4.1 to the logs, mainly because the list is so incredibly huge. The complete list can be found on the forums.
  • Fixed a bug where it would play the 'Your Game Has Been Started' sound even if the game was unhosted.
  • There has always been a game joining problem, I finally found the cause. Users with either a |c, |r or |n in their name are not able to join games. I added a notification and stopped users from being able to create such names. The glitch is wc3 related.
  • A rare bug that wouldn't allow you to close RGC or to join anymore games has been fixed aswell.

  • [29/07/2010]
  • Fixed a glitch in the !FF and !votermk commands which caused some games to not be scored properly.

  • [27/07/2010]
  • Huge bugfixing on the server-side, so no rgc patch, but still worth noting.
  • Fixed the bug where hostbots would get stuck sometimes.
  • Fixed the bug where the game wouldn't recognize a player as a leaver if the drop occurred during the loading screen.

  • [25/07/20100]
  • Introduced the new point system and removed the old rank system. (BETA)

  • [07/07/2010]
  • Fixed the delay/lags with the chatserver that you guys have been experiencing recently.

  • [06/07/2010]
  • !timeban command implemented.

  • [23/06/2010]
  • A few performance tweaks were done that should stabilize RGC better on computers with an old CPU infrastrucutre or a generally low-performance setup.
  • Fixed all the currently known bugs with the Servers window, the game display. Sometimes it would not display a mapname or display a weird gamename, both issues have been resolved.

  • [17/06/2010]
  • Fixed a nasty little bug, which wouldn't allow people to login (User already logged in error message) after freezing their RGC screen.
  • Note: Your RGC login screen may still freeze if you have an unstable connection, but you will be able to login if you kill the process and start RGC again. -Fixing this is on my todo list.
  • Removed a bugtesting function which prevented the gamecounter from going below 1 running games even if there were no games running.

  • [14/06/2010]
  • This version fixes a few glitches with the reconnect functionality.
  • Fixed the \"[ERROR] You're already in that channel.\" bug where your RGC tried to join too many channels.
  • Fixed a problem where RGC would throw you out of Warcraft III if you were disconnected while being ingame.
  • Fixed a minor display bug introduced in the last patch, the amount of running games wasn't always displaying properly.
  • Note: If you put your PC to sleep whilst RGC is still running, it won't recongnize the disconnect when your OS resumes activity. That is a minor known bug, it's on the todo list.

  • [08/06/2010]
  • The last patch fixed most of the crashing reasons, but not all. This patch should fix every occasion on which I have sinned. RGC should be 100% stable again.

  • [06/06/2010]
  • All in all a crashfix version. I also extended the chatprotocol a bit to allow dynamic declaration of coloring. This will be explained in the upcoming documentation.
  • As some of you may know the latest attempt to fix some memory leaks ended in lots of crash versions and tons of hotfix patching. The memory leak issue has now finally been resolved.
  • Fixed the bug introduced with the last patch where you had do click a game in LAN twice to be able to join.

  • [04/06/2010]
  • Made some changes that may reduce a very rare problem where only the regional, Europe (Public) channel is joined upon login.
  • Lots of little cleanups on channel leave. Both the Servers window and your LAN will not display the games anymore. You will still see the games in LAN until you refresh it.
  • Fixed a few minor memory leaks. There should be zero memory leaks left.
  • Properly changed the game name displayed in the Servers window for GHLProxy games from "DotA" to "Warcraft III : The Frozen Throne"
  • Removed Ghost++ Admin Games from the Servers list. So if you host a game on your computer, it won't allow other players to join your admin game.

  • [29/05/2010]
  • Introduced the /users command
  • Fixed a small bug with the Skinning API that was introduced in the last patch. (concerning LeGoLasSSS)

  • [25/05/2010]
  • Replaced the Alarm and Your-Game-Has-Been-Hosted sound with something new. Thanks to dex for the sounds.
  • Fixed a very rare crash bug related to opening different profiles at the same time. The new avatar loading system caused the bug.
  • Added a lot of new functionality to the Skinning API. The titles of small windows are now placed on the left of the buttons instead of residing beneath them.

  • [19/05/2010]
  • Added clan kick/leave functionality
  • Extended the functionality of the Minmize and Exit button. Modifiable in: Settings -> Other :: Main Window Buttons